Both themes should be fast enough for you. We recommend you to use GTmetrix to test your website performance and improve it.
Yes, usually, GTmetrix shows very low scores for newly installed websites with any theme. As you can see from the report, there are a few points you can do to optimize your website better that don’t depend on our theme
1. Leverage browser caching – ask your host to enable this option on the server.
2. Defer parsing of JavaScript – you can use some extra plugin for this. We usually prefer WP Rocket for all minifications and caching purposes
3. This should be configured on the server too https://gyazo.com/fbc3b0293acdca1c6895be56a746ae12
4. With the help of WP Rocket plugin you will be able to setup CDN service also https://gyazo.com/fbc3b0293acdca1c6895be56a746ae12
With all these fixes made, you will receive 90+