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Issues with Footer, Header, and Social Buttons

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  • #7866


    Hi, Basel Team!

    Your theme has been working quite marvelously so far. I have to say I did not regret my purchase a single bit!

    Anyways, here are some stuff I would like solutions for:

    1) Can you please copy the Footer’s content “ABOUT THE STORE” (shown in the attached photo) for me. I imported the dummy base content for some other purposes and it somehow replaced my footer with Basel & Co’s logo

    2) (Please refer to the video in the private content section for reference) If you notice, the menus on sticky header aren’t sligned in the center like my static header’s menus. Hope you can help me fix this as I could not find an option to customize that area.

    3) In my last inquiry, I mentioned that I would like to add an additional social button to my site **this thread here**, after which you suggested that I “add it manually by editing this shortcode function in the file inc/shortcodes.php
    However, I’m not sure how or where to find said file.

    I also tried to add this code snippet from http://xtemos.com/forums/topic/additional-social-icons/ to my functions.php file (managed to find it), but, It did not change anything. I’m not sure if an extra step was needed or if it did not target my specific need? Please advice more on this matter if you can.

    Thanks a lot!

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    Artem Temos


    We are glad that you are satisfied with our theme 🙂

    1. Sure, here you have it

    <p>STORE - worldwide fashion store since 1978. We sell over 1000+ branded products on our web-site.</p>
    <div style="line-height: 2;">
    <i class="fa fa-location-arrow" style="width: 15px; text-align: center; margin-right: 4px; color: #676767;"></i> 451 Wall Street, USA, New York<br>
    <i class="fa fa-mobile" style="width: 15px; text-align: center; margin-right: 4px; color: #676767;"></i> Phone: (064) 332-1233<br>
    <!--p><i class="fa fa-envelope-o" style="width: 15px; text-align: center; margin-right: 4px; color: #676767;"></i> Fax: (099) 453-1357<br></p-->
    <p><img src="http://dev.xtemos.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/payments.png"></p>

    2. We need to see your website live to be able to help you. And also note that menu is centered not relatively to the header but relatively to free space between logo and icons on the right side. You can try to make logo container width and right column width equal in Theme Settings.

    3. You need to copy whole function from that file inc/shortcodes.php and place it into the CHILD THEME functions.php file. Did you set up child theme?

    Then just place additional icons there as a plain HTML like this

    <li class="social-SnapChat"><a href="http://SnapChat.com/YOUR_LINK" target="<?php echo esc_attr( $target ); ?>"><i class="fa fa-snapchat"></i><?php _e('SnapChat', 'xtemos') ?></a></li>




    Hi there!

    Thanks so much! Sorry it took me a few days to reply. Anyway,l I got the first 2 sorted out. However, for number 3, not really.

    There are a few concerns:
    1) I have not been able to locate the file inc/shortcodes.php. Do I access it through FTP? Which folder is it supposed to be in?

    2) I don’t really understand when you said “You need to copy whole function from that file inc/shortcodes.php and place it into the CHILD THEME functions.php file.” Can you please “explain like I’m five”?

    3) An icon I want to add isn’t on FontAwesome, is it possible to upload the logo myself? (https://line.me/en/logo/guideline) If so how?

    Hope you don’t feel too overwheled with all the questions I have, haha. Thank you so much!


    Artem Temos


    1. Yes, this can be done only through the additional code customization via FTP. You can find this file in our theme folder.

    2. You need to open file (from 1 point). Copy the function basel_shortcode_social (example in another topic you mentioned). And paste it to the functions.php file in the child theme. Then do any changes inside this function.

    3. Our social buttons support only Font Awesome icons at the moment.




    Hello. I’m also trying to control the share buttons in the footer (see attached). I want them to line up on the left like everything else.

    I’ve followed these instructions above using functions.php in my child theme (see below) but it doesn’t seem to have made a difference. Any other ideas?


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    Artem Temos


    Be sure that you are using [social_buttons align="left"] shortcode for your social buttons element in the footer.




    Sorted – thankyou so much….


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome!



    Hi Xtemos team,
    How to change the Mail to icon in the footer section? I cant find options to change the email id anywhere. Kindly help. Here is the screenshot


    Artem Temos


    You can enable/disable this button in Theme Settings -> Social -> Share buttons -> Email for social links.


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