Launching a commercial website is usually a pressing task. However, WooCommerce helps you make this challenge solvable. WooCommerce is the most popular and user-friendly e-commerce WordPress plugin. It is well-known and sought-after both among newcomers and experienced IT-specialists. Thus, there are at least 10 reasons why to use WooCommerce.
Large world-famous companies also use WooCommerce to build online platforms. Every tenth prominent online store is built on WooCommerce. It is extremely revealing and compelling to get commenced with this system.

Reasons for Utilizing WooCommerce
Today, the Internet is a convenient source for getting a long-time and stable income. But you need to make your brand and purchase goods using e-commerce ways. It has the highest potential for profit and development. You could find many possible solutions on Google search for launching an online store. But taking the valid one is the core moment.
The most famous is WordPress. It’s popular due to its simple usage, and the same goes for e-commerce templates WordPress – WooCommerce.

The majority of those looking to launch an online project or a startup have a minimum budget. It does not allow hiring experienced IT specialists to create a professional website with an individual interface and customized analytics. So, you need an option that does not require money investments, or they are minimal.
Usually, beginners face such problems as:
- Interaction with the audience. If the user fails to find the basic options in the right place on your site, you lose a potential client. They find another simpler and more useful resource. The more difficult task is to retain them.
- Site interface. The more stylish and functional it is, the more it attracts the audience. Visitors should see all the familiar features in their places. But the website must be thought out logically.
- Safety. It is the biggest concern of an e-commerce website owner. Customer data should not end up in third hands. Payments could not be redirected to another platform. The support and safety service must work flawlessly.
- An analytical tool. It keeps your website statistics and shows customer actions. Having accurate data about your business, you understand what direction it needs to develop and where it needs to be corrected.
An affordable and simple solution to this challenge is WooCommerce. Applying it, developers can implement any new tools and characteristics.
Ten WooCommerce Essential Specifications
WooCommerce fully meets the needs of internet sellers. If you want to start purchasing products or services online, use the WordPress platform to make an online shop. This plugin helps you make your online commercial website without the help of specialized agencies and coding specialists.
Besides, you can install a custom design and extensions that increase the list of functions to make it more convenient. There are at least 10 good reasons for using WooCommerce for your internet market.
WooCommerce is Free
The most significant options are free usage and open source. You do not have to invest large sums of money in the development of your business. Everything can be done independently with basic computer skills. The functionality is immensely flexible letting you purchase online using advanced techniques.Here there is an opportunity to purchase licensed software. It will not be possible to build an online store without a budget. But it quickly pays off by increasing sales and business processes or saving time. All the necessary functions are and remain chargeless. Therefore, they are ideal startup tools without a budget and reasons why use WooCommerce.
Capability of Usage
Although the technical aspect of the matter could be too complicated, the developers have made WooCommerce as flexible and easy to understand as possible. You can easily tune it in to sell your things. You can put up for sale various types of goods: material, downloadable, virtual, or even subsidiary and third-party.

The template is simple to use, and page customization can be done without any difficulty. You can monitor consumer activities in detail like registrations, signing up, leads, purchase tracking, etc.
Easy Customization
WooCommerce works with different WordPress themes. The most popular and frequently used are WooThemes and ThemeForest. The latter has a whole section for WooCommerce themes. They are attractive to users and simplify the installation process. You can also personalize your site and make it unique and distinct from others. The plugin offers many shortcodes and widgets.
WooCommerce has a well-designed user interface and a set of business tools. You can always customize it for yourself by applying the usual functionality. It’s easy to spice up your online store here.
Individual Approach
WooCommerce isn’t all about launching your online shop. This plugin allows your clients to have a personal page where they could not only save their account but also peek at the update status of their latest orders.
If you are creating a pro-web-page and want to aggregate a commercial project, WooCommerce could make this process quite simple. WooCommerce advantages include the ability to get all the necessary tools at once without affecting other methods. Users can apply the plugin to create an e-commerce platform that is accessible and understandable for buyers. It offers a large variety of online shopping blocks.
Easy Analytics Tracking
One of the merits of WooCommerce is its ability to follow customer behavior, forecast trends, and analyze your marketing efforts accurately. Built-in tools can show such numbers and statistics as:
- sales by dates;
- quantity of stocks;
- total sales;
- statistics for each client;
- average order amount;
- reviews;
- general metrics of the web store.
All of them are appealing displayed on graphs, pie charts, bar charts, etc.

Aggregated Social WooCommerce Functions
The effective way to promote the web-resource is Likes. However, the price for each can bite, and even make up a significant share of the budget. It is possible to reduce the cost per like (or CPL) with the help of integrated social functions. They provide people with bonuses for mentioning your website and products on their accounts on social networks.
For a web store, it is a way to benefit from WooCommerce. As a result, your advertising costs are reduced. Besides, more potential buyers will learn about your platform, services, and products. People are more likely to trust the advice of friends than usual advertisements.
Cybersecurity and Personal Safety
Website security is the primary concern of every owner. On the one hand, you must be sure that payments for goods and services will not be transferred to a third unknown party. Scammers should not connect to your platform. On the other hand, customers must be sure of the reliability of their data and account.

WordPress is a reliable resource. All payments are processed using secure encryption and are reliably protected from hacking. You can be sure of all transactions through WordPress and WooCommers.
Any frauds are eliminated immediately and security updates are distributed worldwide. WooCommerce is regularly renewed. It is one of the most vital reasons for using WooCommerce. Just download it on your computer.
Extended Functions
Empowerment is one of the most excellent options of WordPress and WooCommerce. There are many free and paid extensions stocked for them. Creators can add new features and thereby expand the capabilities of their store. A subscription allows you to generate monthly income. And the membership plugin turns the store into a real social network for customers. The whole section is filled with plugins. That’s why you need WooCommerce for business development.
Maintenance & Communication
There may be a situation where some functions or capabilities are incomprehensible to non-programmers. WooCommerce offers support. You could find specialists who are ready to solve problems on specialized forums. Besides, there are many video tutorials and more. You will be able to communicate with other owners of commercial platforms, exchange experiences, and news, solutions, and tasks.

There are also numerous developers willing to support this plugin monthly. It is not uncommon for online merchants to hire specialists to run their stores. It saves time and nerves. In this case, why not use WooCommerce?
Variety of Professionals Working for WooCommerce
Many experts prefer to work with this plugin. If you are searching for coding specialists, designers, and other WooCommerce experts, it is not difficult to find these profs at all. You can easily hire a whole team that quickly gets used to your site and shows good results.
The WordPress websites with WooCommerce plugin have already obtained SEO optimization and always get high ranking points in Google. Besides, your online store will be mobile-friendly and have the latest tech web improvements in default with the WooCommerce plugin. As can be seen, there are more benefits to take into account than reasons why not use WooCommerce.
For newcomers into the online business, the WooCommerce plugin is a great solution. The settings are easy and quick to understand. Everything is intuitively clear. Even without programming skills, you will be able to create a website that will bring you profit. Space XTemos themes could make the process of designing a website even easier and faster. All themes and templates are WooCommerce-friendly and accessible to users. With them, you can create a platform that is no different from a professional one.