Home Forums Basel support forum Woocommerce Product Bundles – Variation Swatches Reply To: Woocommerce Product Bundles – Variation Swatches




This is not a 3rd party plugin, it is made by Woocommerce and your theme is a “WooCommerce Integrated Theme” so its expected to work with all Woocommerce features. I did contact them bellow is their response. Please figure out a way to make it compatible as many other Woocommerce themes are. There are other issues too but this is a main one. Thanks.

“There is a chance that your active theme does not support custom product types, such as Product Bundles and therefore does not display variation swatches for bundled items. Most theme authors who advertise WooCommerce support are committed to fixing extension compatibility issues like this one — however, the only way to find out is to contact them directly and see if they can provide a fix/workaround..”

“Alternatively, if your theme authors can provide a technical explanation of the issue and/or are aware of a small tweak/change we can make to make Product Bundles compatible as well, we’d be happy to consider their suggestions!”