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Sorry, but there is no other way to increase the size of rating stars.

You can increase the spacing of stars but it also disturbs the ratings ratio. because width plays an important role and generated by a some of the backend functions. So when we increase the inner spacing the width increased. In case if you still want to increase the spacing between the rating stars. Please insert the below css in Theme Settings >> CUSTOM CSS >> Global Custom CSS:

.star-rating span:before {
letter-spacing: 8px;
.star-rating {
letter-spacing: 8px;

Screenshot: https://jmp.sh/A0KHNab
Result: https://jmp.sh/T142HEW

To increase the word spacing of the reviews/testimonials. First edit your main page with Wp-Bakery page builder and then you need to assign a custom class to the testimonial element as in the screenshot I used “wordSpacing” class.

Then click on the setting icon of Wp-Bakery page builder and paste the below custom css code:


You can increase or decrease the word spacing from 2 em. I just used 2 em to set an example for you.

Screenshot: https://jmp.sh/RAsrryI
Result: https://jmp.sh/IZNPNjc

Best Regards.