Home Forums WoodMart support forum Add to cart loading animation does not show on mobile Reply To: Add to cart loading animation does not show on mobile


Bogdan Donovan


First of all, sorry for the misunderstanding. We are clearly seeing the issue on your site (https://gyazo.com/3fc967191331072a904fc75b3d03302f).

We have checked your site product’s HTML structure and found the difference between the default theme structure and your site:

https://prnt.sc/pexziw – Default theme
https://prnt.sc/pey04j – Your site

As we can see one of your third party plugins added <span class="xoo-wsc-icon-checkmark xoo-wsc-icon-atc"></span> to your quick shop add to cart button and prevents the appearance of the loading class in the add to cart button, which is responsible for displaying the loader.

We do not know exactly which of the plugins is responsible for this behavior. You can provide us with admin access to your site so that we can find the plugin causing this issue or you can ourselves try to turn off third-party plugins, which are somehow connected with the process of adding products to the cart and check how the quick shop works.

Best Regards