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As per your instructions, I have disabled all plugins except you mentioned and did debugging. (https://prnt.sc/sfz5ea).

On Chrome when I add product to wishlist from shop page, it works but from product details page it doesn’t (https://prnt.sc/sfzcu5, https://prnt.sc/sfzech).

On Edge browser, it does add in any case (https://prnt.sc/sfz8c3), adds product when in logged-in mode.

On firfox, for non-logged in user shows count but no product (https://prnt.sc/sfzl4t, https://prnt.sc/sfzq9l) & for logged-in user adds product from shop page but does not add from product details page (https://prnt.sc/sfzvpx, https://prnt.sc/sfzxq7).

I found these issues after disabling all plugin except your mentioned plugins.