Home Forums WoodMart support forum En la versión de PC se ve la Lupa, (quick View)Pero en la versión Mobile No esta Reply To: En la versión de PC se ve la Lupa, (quick View)Pero en la versión Mobile No esta



I saw the screenshot you attached.

The Quick View in some of the product styles is disabled for the mobile version that’s why it is disabled.

You can find the product grid style that has all the options enabled and set it according to your needs from Theme Settings >> Shop >> Product Styles.

Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/ynTLMvD

If you want to use the same style then please add the following Custom CSS in the Custom CSS for mobile and tablet area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.

.quick-view.wd-action-btn.wd-quick-view-btn.wd-style-icon {
display: block;

Best Regards.