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Do you seriously think that getting me to waste ages setting up a site so that I can give you admin access is a viable way forward before trying any other way?!
This is beyond unhelpful.

So far I’ve needed your help with around 20 issues and could only get a successful resolution to one. Not great, wouldn’t you say?

I’m going to try you one more time though. Hopefully we can increase that ratio a little.

I’ve managed to figure out that when you enable archive on the brand attribute, it changes the links to brand pages from /shop/?filter_brand=brand-name to /brand/brand-name, which then takes you to a brand page that’s using the blog post template which has that RHS sidebar that you can see in the screeshot rather than the shop filters sidebar (I’d have expected you to be able to give me that information without asking me to set up a copy of the site).

So my question is:
I want to be able to show brand description on the brand page but use the shop filters sidebar. How can I do that? (without affecting the blog post template).

I hope you can help.

Thank you,