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I’d like to see the following changes:
1 – Categories on sticky header. Like a button or like the “top bar”, but under the header. Like this -> https://www.glamira.co.uk/
2 – The possibility to recommend another product when you’re on the product page. Like a bag, box or the vase here -> https://bouqs.com/bouquets/harvest_orange-roses-kale?via=58ae0c1c6170703396000e42%2C58ae0c1c6170703396000e44
3 – A option to choose a filters bar under the sticky menu. Like this -> https://www.glamira.co.uk/engagement-rings/
4 – A option to choose custom settings for a product. Like this -> https://www.glamira.co.uk/engagement-rings/
5 – The option to display the price range at a specific product (for example: from 100$ to 200$) or to choose if to display the lower price or the highest one.
6 – The option to easily change “add to cart” or “add to wishlist” button text.
7 – The option to easily change “hot”, “featured”, “new” and other labels text.

I hope you will consider to implement this changes in future updates and make the best and most complete e-commerce theme ever!

Thank you!