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Thank you for the fast response, unfortunately not all my questions have been answered, so I will paste them. If they are unclear, please give me know and I will try to explain them in other way.

I would like to ask you for answers for these questions:

  1. Icon codes (e.g. \f107) are different for the old FontAwesome 4.7 version and actual Font Awesome 5 Free? I have to replace them one by one, am I right?
  2. What is the difference between Font Awesome 5 Free and Font Awesome 5 Brands? Are there any other Font Awesome options (Font Awesome 5 ???)?
  3. Where can I find all fonts used in WoodMart by default (like Font Awesome 5 Free, Brands, woodmart font etc.)? In the section Theme Settings > Typography > Custom Fonts I can’t see it.
  4. Is there any list of Font Awesome icons which are available to use?

Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,