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Hello, I have some intermittency problems on the site and I believe it has to do with the WP-Rocket x WoodMart.

one week ago I made the settings exactly as in the images above, the performance was great but I have noticed some intermittent problems.

1 – In some moments my Header disappears only on the main page, on the products page it continues to work.

2 – At various times and on several pages “Initial server response time too long, I notice this in both tests and pagespeed both in navigation (I click to open the page and it takes 4, 5 sec to initiate load it)
NOTE: THIS OCCURS WITH OR WITHOUT WP-ROCKET. (I opened a call on flywheels and did not identify a problem on the servers. I had a friend with the same problem, he changed templates and solved the problem.)

3- For 2x at different times I realized that the homepage was not loading the images on the phone.

In version 6 I have an exceptional performance but intermittently.
I cannot have these problems on my website, I did not have these problems in the 5x version.

Do you already have something mapped in this direction?