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Ok, will do so next time.

Your reply:1,2,6,8,9) Please Provide with some relevant screenshots with the URL of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.
– Website is on maintenance mode.

3. I need to change the color of hotspot buttons to color #23675d
.wd-image-hotspot .btn.btn-color-primary {
color: #FFF;
background-color: #23675d;
– This changes call to action button and I meant on pulsing buttons on each project.

4. How to change the default setting for social icons to be from share to follow (on projects, products, blog, wishlist, etc.)?
Your reply: ) You can find the Settings for the social icons from Theme Settings >> Social Profiles.
– This is for share and I need follow by default (this appears on wishlist, projects, blog etc.). I turned this feature off and entered links in social profiles. On pages which can be edited with elementor this is applicable, but on wishlist, project and blog I don’t know how to set this to be follow.

5. I have created a new page with a Portfolio template. Page title is Korporativni pokloni, but in the breadcrumbs is Portfolio, I want to change it to Korporativni pokloni.
Your reply: Please try re-adding the Slug from the settings and then resave permalinks then clear cache and check back.
– Did it, no changes.

7. After the theme update when I click on any category on the Portfolio page (i.e. Korporativni pokloni) it is showing 404.
Your reply: It seems that the category doesn’t exist. Please make sure that the category you are trying to visit exists. Then clear cache and check back.
– Categories exist and showing on each project and on the page above them. I have test site on localhost which is not updated and it is working just fine.

Thank you in advance!