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Reminder: target is to have an obvious category selector, on mobile. Ideally specific for blog, and shop. It’s obvious on shop, I think. For blog, which can be a blog, or a magazine, or a newspaper, basically, it enables the “reader” to choose his / her interesting topic, rather than scrolling all articles, whatever they talk about.

Re. Disable “BOUTIQUE” word
Reminder: this word takes space without adding value. And you wrote that it’s the only way to get a “product category selector”
Here, I should have missed something … sorry. if I disable page title, the hamburger, leading to category selector is disappearing as well.
The settings for your info:
The result:
Anyway, we stay on same issue: there are 3 hamburger icons. Leading to different “things”. And icon 3 and 4, which are different, lead to same “thing” (filters by attribute)

How to improve ergonomy? 3 options, 1 having 2 variants
In my view, and we may disagree, in a shop, first you select a category (man / woman – shoes / trousers / shirts / …). And secondly, you filter. The way to select “product category” must be obvious (ie implying no brain effort), and same for filters.

Option 1: Get a “category selector” in menu
What is Basel is perfect, for me.
ON woodmart:
– it could be achievable via the 2ndary menu, but it does not work.
– you propose a category dropdown on desktop. But none on mobile, though mobile is now more important than desktop.
Category dropdown for mobile and 2ndary menu are 2 variants that can solve the issue.

Option 2: Sequential sidebar with 1. Filters headings and then 2. Criterias.
I don’t know the tech jargon for this, but this is what most top players do:
Ie. first, you have the “titles” of filters. And then, you choose.
The advantage here is that you immediately see all your possibilities to filter (category, color, style, ….), without scrolling to see all criterias (ie the successive lists of all categories, all colors, all styles, …)

Option 3: varying sidebar
Probably the toughest one for you.
If I am on shop page, the sidebar shows the different “product categories”
If I am in a given category, the sidebar shows the filters per attribute (brand, color, …)
But if I click on the hamburger on top left, I have the overall site menu.
Somehow, like we all know on desktops, it’s like the contextual menu with right click.

Other considerations:

Based on this image:
You don’t need the hamburger 3. Most top players just write a text, sometimes it is colored to have more visual impact.
In the same logic, you could replace the 2 reversed arrows by a text, like most do.

Based on this image:
The “3 dots” icon, which means “etc” / “and so on”. On the blog page, I would replace it by something like this:
In a blog, it can only relate to “topic” / “section” / …

Hoping this is clear and useful

Kind regards