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In short, WPBakery is no more viable.
1. we discussed in June the problem of the incompability between woodmart widgets and gutenberg, leading to crashes. You answered me somehow “you have to live with it”. Finally, you have been forced to change. No other choice, WP is driving the game.
2. Now, my problem is a growing number of conflicts between wpbakery, WP / gutenberg, and WPML (ie translations disappearing, visual editor not working, …). Some plugins also don’t work anymore with wpbakery, only within the WP environment (for pages or articles). After, fact is that WPBakery is slower, and an horror for CPU. So, I am switching my pages from WPbakery to sane WP / Gutenberg. And thus be ready for the shortly coming future, and perform better.

With WPBakery, I can have a full-width row in a non full-width page or article (because of sidebar). Ie a row going outside the editing zone. And as of now, with Gutenberg / WP core editor, I can’t. And this is because “add_theme_support(‘align-wide’);” should be added within the functions.php of the theme. And it’s not.

How to manage?

Kind regards