Home Forums WoodMart support forum Attribute terms are not showing border. While color not at all visible. Reply To: Attribute terms are not showing border. While color not at all visible.


Luke Nielsen


1. It works only for the white color.

1a. I have forwarded your suggestion to the team. They will consider it.

3c. The main menu selected in the “Main menu” item from the header builder will have the highest priority so if you have defined both menus then the menu from the “Main menu” item will be displayed.

4a. Sorry, while we don’t have such an option for creating the “Multicolor” swatch. You have only one way to show the “Multicolor” swatch and it is using the “Image preview for this value” option in Products -> Attributes.


4b. You should use an image with equal proportions e.g 50×50 or 45×45 pixels.

5. In order to set different Page title’s options for any individual page, try to use our theme presets.

Here is the documentation providing more detailed instructions about Theme Settings presets:


5b. The page title size you can define by means of the “Page title size” option in Theme Settings -> Page title.


Unfortunately, you can’t define the page title’s height in pixels because we don’t have such functionality.

Kind Regards