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As you see my functions.php under child theme themes/basel-child
I use child theme but with some reason style.css works only for some items but doesnt work for some items for example above css codes you given to me if I add to them options custom css
they work, but I delete there then paste into themes/basel-child/style.css
they dont work.
Why that happens?

this is my style.css for child theme

Theme Name: Basel Child
Description: Basel Child Theme
Author: XTemos
Author URI: http://xtemos.com
Template: basel
Version: 1.0.0
Text Domain: basel-child
/* Your customizations starts here */
.single-product .product_meta span.sku_wrapper{display:none!important;}
.cat-design-default .hover-mask{display:none!important;}
table.ayak tr td{border-bottom:0px solid #000000!important;padding:2px 1px!important;text-align:center;}