Home Forums Basel support forum Site broken after automatic update from 5.5.1 to 5.6.1 Reply To: Site broken after automatic update from 5.5.1 to 5.6.1



Sorry for the delay.

1. When I updated the theme, there were two parent themes, you need to leave one parent theme, then upload the ZIP with the recent version.

– menu missing == Please assign menu as “Main menu” in the Appearance > Menu
– header content different == You need to add this content in the Theme Settings > Header > Top header.
– footer missing == you need to add the HTML block for the footer into Appearance > Widgets

– slider images different — please provide the page URL
– search bar at the bottom instead of header === please disable all the plugins not related to the theme
– double add to wishlist “Auf die Wunschliste” “Add to wishlist” eg —https://stag.feenstaub.at/produkt/schulzeit/schule-kindergarten-start/4-windlichthuellen-einschulungsparty-kerzen/ === staging site does not have two wishlists, we will check the live after the update.
– weird chinese like symbols in breadcrumbs bar (back, forward, …) — please provide page URL
– left sidebar menu does not stay open eg https://stag.feenstaub.at/produktkategorie/babys/meilensteinkarten/ and is not clickable anymore —– please provide the page URL
– Hover styles changed in the product gallery — please provide the page URL.

Best Regards