Home Forums WoodMart support forum Product attributes not showing after WC 7.0.1 update and Woodmart Patch #418184 Reply To: Product attributes not showing after WC 7.0.1 update and Woodmart Patch #418184



Hi Luke!

Restored the backup with WP 5.9.5 and WC 6.8.2. Then updated woodmart to 7.0.3 and required plugins.
Applied all the theme patches, without the last three, because I am not sure about them – please advise do I need to apply them if I stay with these versions of WP and WC? Is it safe?

The patches are (older to newer):
– 416081 / FIXED: Archive products element issue.
– 418298 / FIXED: Output HTML Block in WordPress menu settings.
-418307 / UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
