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1- To hide the Tabs Heading, you can go to Dashboard > WoodMart > Theme Settings > Single Product > Tabs > there you can find the option of Hide tab headings > just enable it: https://snipboard.io/vnODY7.jpg

Same option can be found for the Custom Tabs that you specifically add under a Product.

2- Actually, in this regard the thing is the Additional Information Table element that you have used under your Custom Product Layout is working fine but you have added a static Section Title element which doesn’t works dynamically according to the Product which is why you are still seeing the Title Heading but not the Table because the Product itself doesn’t contain one: https://snipboard.io/STvsai.jpg

If you want to make things dynamically according to the Product then try using the Product Tabs element of the Theme in that layout, it will then show the Tabs accordingly.

Best Regards