Home Forums WoodMart support forum Sliding header | Promotional campaign Reply To: Sliding header | Promotional campaign


Bogdan Donovan


1. We have temporarily applied your header with text carousel on your site’s homepage, and it looks normal. Please check the video (https://gyazo.com/7e59ccb6ce0c5696451b6b1978cf59e5).

2. Info box carousel uses OWL-library to slide between sliders. If you want to carousel properly working on your site you need first enable OWL on mobile devices which now is disabled (https://prnt.sc/VWVgSh9Jvhau). Text on mobile is cropped because the top bar is too small for containing two rows of text. Try to increase mobile top bar height in mobile header settings like it was suggested in the previous reply (https://prnt.sc/fBsAt5Mapnj2).

Kind Regards