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Sliding header | Promotional campaign

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  • #471370

    Bogdan Donovan


    1. We have temporarily applied your header with text carousel on your site’s homepage, and it looks normal. Please check the video (https://gyazo.com/7e59ccb6ce0c5696451b6b1978cf59e5).

    2. Info box carousel uses OWL-library to slide between sliders. If you want to carousel properly working on your site you need first enable OWL on mobile devices which now is disabled (https://prnt.sc/VWVgSh9Jvhau). Text on mobile is cropped because the top bar is too small for containing two rows of text. Try to increase mobile top bar height in mobile header settings like it was suggested in the previous reply (https://prnt.sc/fBsAt5Mapnj2).

    Kind Regards


    Chaleur Naturelle

    I still have the bug on the homepage. It does not appear every time

    See my video here : https://www.loom.com/share/34f4a06642c3490ca57f9f4fe03b16cd

    Moreover, the slides are not automatically moving.

    Finally, on mobile, with 26px and with 30px for the row, i have a problem
    – 26 px : the text is cut
    – 30 px: the banner is way too big

    Thank you for your answer!



    Please create the slider from scratch, and test it on the page as a usual slider. Add it to the header as soon as it works properly on the page. The problem is caused by an incorrect slider configuration.

    It would be best if you made the slider narrow, and reduce the height.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Chaleur Naturelle

    I have done it with the “infobox Caroussel” as it was suggested before.

    The slider is at least 100px, so it cannot be narrow

    Of course, I have tried the configuration. I have tried to create it several times from scratch.

    Each time, the solution that is given works partially


    Bogdan Donovan


    1. Top bar height. We have increased the height of your mobile top bar to 60px pixels like we were suggested before, so now it can contain two rows of text on the mobile without cutting (https://prnt.sc/SRhcFhT0kxjC). Here how it is looks on mobile (https://gyazo.com/3c320bf3c497a8794350fc8583165c65).

    2. Carousel autoplay. To enable autoplay of carousel, first enable the “Slider autoplay” option in the carousel settings and then disable “Init carousel on scroll” below (https://prnt.sc/M6QSLc9b1MRl).

    3. The issue with missing styles is caused by WPRocket plugin settings. First, you need to disable “Optimize CSS loading” option (https://prnt.sc/EGy65uIksobi), also issues can be caused by your other custom settings related to CSS or JS. You can temporarily disable third-party plugin to find which one is causing the issue.

    Kind Regards

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