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You haven’t checked anything on the site, if you had, you would have realized that there are a number of problems and bugs that arise from your theme. This is not the first time we use Woodmart, our other websites have this problem as well, which means that the problem is from you and your template.

Below I will mention once again what bugs there are (by the way, I found other problems while checking today), if you don’t fix it, I’ll have to downgrade your rating and write a lot of bad comments so people won’t buy it. I also informed my colleagues that your template has many, many bugs, so that they don’t buy it.

I even noticed that there are a lot of complaints about your template.
You are selling a template and causing a lot of problems for people. Because of you, I spend pointless time and have a lot of worries and problems with my client, and it’s your fault.

Below I present the problems on the website and attached screenshots.
1․ On the shop page, the number of products shows 15, but in the settings, 16 is indicated.
2. compare, wishlist doesn’t work.
3. The video of the product is visible in the admin page, but it does not show on the website,,, except that it is in Russian, but it is not added in English.
4. The publish product attributes have been removed from adding the 2nd language.
5. Design to mark the variation on the product page is different, even though the settings are the same

I’ll give you a few days, if you don’t fix all the bugs, I’ll write to themeforest.net to remove your theme from sale.

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Artem Temos.
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