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01. For the page title of the pages Navigate to Theme Settings > Page title > Page title design.

02. Navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > Free Shipping bar > Initial message.
03. Your cart page issue has been resolved. Check back your site after completely clearing the browser cache.

04. This is the way the mobile bottom navbar works.For example when you on the home page you cannot see the filters button because on the home page there are no filters that is why the filters button is shown in the shop page.

05. I have inserted the HTML Block [html_block id="1645"] . It is showing fine. Check back your site and check the issue.
Screenshot for clarification:

06. There is no issue with the layout, it is already working fine for all the products. Only the issue that you have not assigned that products which has issue to show the brand information on the product pages, which you have not assigned to the brands.

All the products assigned to these brands https://ibb.co/tmv8Wq8 will work fine but the other products are not assigned to the brands. Adding brands to the product is similar to adding any other attributes. Find more information here Product attributes:

07. I have checked your site and the sticky add-to cart is showing fine on mobile. Check back on your site after completely clearing the browser cache.
Screenshot for clarification:

Note: Please send your issues number wise so it will be easy to address the issue and give the solution to number wise issues.

Best Regards.