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I checked it and it worked.
Then I changed back to my child theme and enabled all other plugins and it also worked.
When I fianlly checked enable/disable and different stock statuses it suddenly stopped working again.
Now I changed it back to the parent theme and all plugins are disabled, but it’s still not working.
If it works, it must work with parent theme as well, so I don’t understand how sometimes it works and sometimes it’s not. I need to be sure it will continue working correctly when plugins are disbled and parent/child themes are switched. I can’t check it everytime again and again.
Please check again.

I got a phone call from my client and he is super angry as this thing takes more than a week to be solved and still not solved!
His website is live and looks like a complete mess for more than a week becuase parent theme is enabled and all other plugins are disabled.
Please give this issue the highest priority possible so it can be fixed ASAP.