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But why does it show more from different categories if there are less than the maximum viewable in the category? Once again i repeat this does not work like this for the masonry grid element, if i set it to 10 viewable and limit the category and there is only 2 in the category it should only show 2 posts, the post masonry grid does work like this however the blog element and the post grid element do not, it shows more from other categories if the maximum is not met. Why does only the masonry grid element work properly with this setting and is there any way to fix the others so they work the same as the post masonry grid, properly?

This is visible on the link i sent in three elements the top is how i want it to look (blog single image template) but without the extra posts from different categories, the sidebar too is pulling in extra categories however the masonry grid below works as it should and only shows the two posts in the category (as there are only 2).

I have the same settings for each element, so why are there differing results?

Another way round it would be to feed the masonry blog element a custom grid from the Visual Composer Grid Builder (seeing aas this is the only element of the three currently working properly), i dont suppose you have a custom template that follows the blog layout, this would save having to fix the Blog & Post Grid elements?