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– I want to make a button of login for prices. How can i do this?
Users use My Account forms to log in. And there are all the buttons, not the links.

– How can i remove the arrows on productpage picture in the settings it doesnt work. pic. 1
Deactivate all the third parties plugins and check the issue. If the problem disappears, remove the plugin which causes the problem.

– Password reset/lost password doesnt work and goes to the wrong page i think. How can i slove this?

Such issues are not covered by our support. Check the issue provides all the plugins have been deactivated.

– How can i remove login screen when hoover with mouse? see pic. 2
Remove My Account element and insert text link instead. Follow the above-provided instructions.
We cannot advise anything as we have not tested any plugins for the purpose.

Best Regards