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Проблема вывода картинки у брендов

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  • #153110


    Привет, есть Проблема вывода картинки у некоторых брендов. В форме “Бренды”

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I inspect your site something wrong with the source of those brand images.
    Could you please provide me your login credentials as you prior login details are not working anymore. So I can test those brand images and help you out.

    Best Regards.



    данные ниже.
    И ещё один вопрос: можно ли у нескольких товаров одновременно поменять атрибут ?



    Yes you can use a single attribute in multiple products.

    It seems your third party plugins conflict with the brand attribute.
    Kindly deactivate all of your third party plugins and then check back your site.

    Best Regards.



    я выключил все сторонние плагины, но проблема осталась, причем на смартфоне выводится на 1 изображение бренда меньше, чем на пк



    Could you please remain the third party plugins as deactivated. So I can test.

    Because I have created a new attribute for brand image testing named as “Brand Test” and some of it’s images are not shown also in brand carousel.

    So could you please take a whole site backup and allow me to troubleshoot your site including the third party plugins deactivation.

    Also I noticed one more thing that the issue is only with carousel brands. Because when I used grid it display all the brands.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/jbUw0NT

    Best Regards.



    я сейчас посмотрел всё отлично работает карусель брендов, хотя атрибут был старый.
    Большое спасибо за помощь!


    Most Welcome,

    If the attribute was old then you could create a new one from Products >> Attributes option in the dashboard and then select your attribute from Theme settings >> Shop >> BRANDS >> Brand attribute.

    Best Regards.



    привет, сейчас заметил парадокс. нп пк все картинки брендов выводятся , на смартфоне меньше половины.



    As your all the brands are not shown in smartphone now.

    Could you please allow me to troubleshoot your site by deactivating all the third party plugins. So I can help you out.

    Best Regards.



    если отключить все плагины. все фото высвечиваются, если включить которые необходимы для оплаты и нормального функционирования сайта, высвечиваются только бренды (Remax, OltraMax, Smartbuy) у остальных картинка не видна.



    As you said that if you disable all third party plugins then all the brand photos are displayed and if you enabled the plugins which are responsible for payment and other functioning then it again not shown all the brands.

    So this is clear that some of those plugins which you used for payment process or for some other functionality conflicts with our theme and affect the brand carousel. If you do not want to allow me to troubleshoot your site then you can deactivate all the third party plugins and activate them one by one. In this way you will find that specific plugin which causing this issue and affect the brand carousel.

    Best Regards.



    Я разрешаю вам вносить изменения.



    Your problem is resolved. Now all the brand images are shown in the carousel in desktop as well as in the mobile devices also. I just deactivate all of your third party plugins and then activate them back one by one and the problem is resolved.

    Video for clarification: https://jmp.sh/LfxNVul

    You can check your site after clearing your site and browser cache.

    Best Regards.



    Большое спасибо!



    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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