Home Forums WoodMart support forum 1.Cache problem 2. thumbnails position in product gallery

1.Cache problem 2. thumbnails position in product gallery

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    Hello! Can you please help me with 2 problems?

    1. I have a cache problem. I installed LiteSpeed Cache advised by the host support but after that my site went wild on the mobile version: texts displayed out of place, random fonts and colors ( basic) , menu buttons not working at all ( the 3 horizontal lines) and so on. Works just fine on desktop but horrible and unusable on mobile. For the moment I deactivated the Cache plugin but I really can’t figure out the problem .

    2. The second problem is about the thumbnails position from Product Gallery in mobile version ( in single product layout) . The cache plugin is deactivated so it’s not it’s fault. So I want thumbnails to be on the left side of the main image, selected this from the Theme Settings-> Single product-> Thumbnails-> Left ( vertical position) . They appear like this only on desktop version and I wish also an the mobile version. Hope I’ve been clear enough 😀
    P.S. I also installed regenerate thumbnail plugin if that helps..

    Thank you so much for your patience!!



    WoodMart theme does not influence on the cache plugin performance. We could recommend trying WP Rocket cache plugin: https://xtemos.com/wordpress-performance-optimization-the-ultimate-guide-in-2021/#Step_4

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise! Thank you so much vor the optimization advice. I will follow every step. Can you please advise me with my second problem from the first message?
    Best regards!



    Unfortunately, it is not possible. The mobile screen does not have space enough to show the images on the left, they will follow the main language.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


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