Thank you so much purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.
1. Are you want to remove breadcrumbs (http://prntscr.com/iv85m5) from the shop and search result pages?
2. You can disable it on Yith Plugins -> Compare -> Show button in single product page.
3. Same as the first question. Are you want to remove breadcrumbs and product navigation from the single product page? http://prntscr.com/iv87yz. If we understand you wrong, please, provide some details, screenshots and link where we can see it.
4. Social icons shortcode has different options for sizing:
Small – [social_buttons size="small"]
Default – [social_buttons]
Large – [social_buttons size="large"]
Same for styles. Try to use this shortcode with large colored icons [social_buttons size="large" style="colored"].
5. Unfortunately, there is no such ability in our theme.
Kind Regards
XTemos Studio