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A form redirect conflict

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  • #42400


    Hi, I’m having an issue with the theme & Contact form 7 redirect after the form has been submitted. The desktop works perfectly, but on the mobile, when you go to the contact form, you are automatically redirected to the thank you url, bypassing the contact page entirely.

    This has definitely something to do with the theme because when I switch to default twetyseventeen theme all works as it should. Can you please help? Here is the url for the form. You can check it on mobile. http://tattooremovalsouthflorida.com/laser-tattoo-removal-near-me/


    Artem Temos


    We just visited the page you sent with a mobile device but was not redirected to the thank you page. Here is screenshot https://gyazo.com/9ab016c430ded52dca1986e26accc108




    yes. You’re right. I didn’t realize the direct link works on mobile. Can you please try going to the main website on the mobile and click on the navigation bar link Either “Contact Us” or “Free Analysis”


    Artem Temos

    Yes, it is true since you have wrong links in your mobile navigation menu. Edit it in Appearance -> Menus and correct your pages links.



    I cannot believe all this time non of the links worked on mobile! I didnt even know there was a separate mobile nav. The prior web company really screwed up 🙁
    Thank you so much for your help in troubleshooting this!Everything is perfect now.


    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that you have found the solution.

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