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actualización de complementos que vienen con el tema

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  • #179592


    Hola, por favor necesito saber como actualizar los complementos que vienen con el tema WPbakery y revolution Sliders, ademas WPbakery me esta pidiendo que active copia, que debo hacer

    Muchas gracias de antemano por su ayuda
    un cordial saludo.



    WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution slider come bundled with our theme but they can’t be activated with our purchase code. Actually, you don’t need to do this. Only in case you want to get free premium support from its author, you can purchase it from Codecanyon. But it is not necessary since we will always provide you with the latest updates.

    You can update the plugin in Appearance > Install plugins. Do not update the Slider Revolution now as the theme files contain the old version which is with the bug. We shall release our updagte and add the recent Slider Revolution version.
    Upload Slider Revolution from the forum profiles and upload, install and activate via Dashboard > Plugins or FTP.

    1. Make the full backup of your site.

    2. Deactivate and delete the current version.

    3. Upload the new version from your portfolio on this forum.

    4. Upload and install.

    Best Regards



    ok, gracias por su ayuda pero me quedan unas dudas

    al desactivar y eliminar el complemento actual no se romperá mi pagina?

    y como sabre cuando hay nuevas actualizaciones de complemento?, por favor podria configurar para poder ver en mi perfil que version de complemento esta para descargar?, asi podre comparar con la version que tengo instalado y saber si debo actualizar o no.

    gracias por todo,

    un afectuoso saludo.



    As I suggested, make the full backup of your site before updating the Slider Revolution.

    As soon as we release the theme update you will get mail and notification in the Dashboard > Updates

    Best Regards



    Ok, muchas gracias por todo,

    mil gracias por todo.

    creditos y saludos


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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