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Add nutritional values

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    Im trying to add the nutritional values to my products, like https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/other/grocery/dallmayr-prodomo/demo/grocery/. I checked the “show attributes tables” and I maked a few atributes on the product page. But when I go to the product and add the attributes (like carbohidrates), it doesn’t let me to insert the values, because must me predefined. Can you help me? I attach photo and access to my wp admin.

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    You are adding attributes incorrectly. You need to create them and then add to the products. Here are the instructions: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-product-taxonomies/ and https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/variable-product/

    Best Regards



    So I need to configure terms of the attribute? I can fill the field when the product is created?

    So Im forced to make for example, carbs attribute, and configure terms for the attribute carbs and write:

    One term with: 1g
    Another term with: 2g
    Another with: 3g
    … etc?

    Is there no way to fill it manually and write a value when the product is created without making 10000 terms before?

    I hope I explained well. Did you understood me? Thanks.



    Your screen shows adding an attribute as I understand. Perhaps I am wrong.

    Now I am confused. Do you want to add the weight to the product by means of an attribute or insert it in the shipping information: https://prnt.sc/v9z0yu

    The attribute can be shown on the product grid, shipping information is not shown on the product grid, it is shown on the product page only.

    Best Regards



    No, the weight of the product no.

    Is the weight of carbs, protein, salt… I must preset the values as attribute terms on “configure terms” link? Is there no way to fill it manually when I create a product? Because If I need to make 100 different terms for: 1g, 2g, 3g… to 100g… I will go crazy, I can’t fill it manually without preset before the product is created?

    Another question, shipping info weight refers to the weight of the packet or the weight of the product itself? Thanks.



    I am afraid I still do not understand your purpose. All I see you need to add the weight.

    Look, we have size guide functionality. As you understand it is designed for sizes, at the same time you can use it for weight. That is why I suggest you to consider this.

    Here is the instruction: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/create-size-guide-table/

    You can create one table https://gyazo.com/71a4e8c8943981478a44930bf80bf6c1 and assign it to the whole category or a separate product. It would be presented on the product page and open in a popup. We can replace the words “size guide” and replace the icon https://gyazo.com/55a58e6bc81fedef5578d10ee885a8f5

    Hope it would help.

    Best Regards



    Sorry, this not what Im searching. I don’t know how I can explain to you for making you understand me… Maybe can do a fast share window and show you what I want? Thanks.



    You can send me a screen or site sample where you see it has been implemented. Alternatively, you can shot a short video.

    Best Regards



    Well, is like this nutritional table:

    I think I found the way, look my attachments, is the correct way to fill up custom aatribute manually?

    Another question, How I can show the short description after the attributes table? like:



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    You need to enable showing the attributes in the Product page.

    Then enable Accordion in Tab layout and set the position of the Accordion in the Theme Settings > Product page > Tabs.

    Best Regards



    No, it’s not the accordion, I want to move the atributes tab to the top. See my image and you will understand. Thanks.

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    If you remove the short description the attributes will go top.

    There is no option to switch in the way you show without deleting the short description.

    Best Regards

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