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add slider area between header and content

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    I want to use different slider for some reasons.
    Is it possible to add an element between header and content and put my shortcode there.
    I want to have boxed layout in desktop and 100% in mobile.

    Thank you



    Your question is not clear enough. You can insert the slider between the header and content. You can insert two sliders in the page. You can use different sliders in different pages.

    Please clarify and advise what builder you use?

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,
    Thanks for reply.

    I want to add some htmo codes (slider) between header and content container.
    So, I can make it with 100% witdh, like header in categories.



    You can add any code by means of HTML Raw code element in the WP bakery page builder.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,

    Thanks for reply.
    But when I do it from page edit , It is limited with main container size and padding settings.
    thus I want to have another container with full width or different padding settings.



    I thought you wanted to add code and as I understand you want to add the content.

    Save your HTML as a template and then insert, drag, and drop the rows as per your needs. https://wpbakery.com/video-academy/use-templates-wpbakery-page-builder/ then https://wpbakery.com/video-academy/drag-element-change-order-wpbakery-page-builder-wordpress/

    Then you will have the option to stretch the row or section without the padding.

    Best Regards

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