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Add to wishlist button on mobile

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  • #126407



    I could use some help with these 2 things:
    1.Is there any way to show the “Add to wishlist” text only on desktop, and for the tablet and mobile just the icon?
    2.Can i move the button to be shown on the same line as the “Add to cart”?

    Thank you!



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Mobile:

    body .wishlist-label{

    Please provide your site admin access, the site under the maintenance, I cannot check

    Best Regards



    Hi! I think I wasn’t clear enough, sorry…

    On the product page in the mobile version , I want that the “Add to wishlist” to have just the icon, so I can move it on the same line with the “Add to cart” button. Also, of course, I need to make the icon bigger and give it some border to show just like “Add to cart” button, with different collors. Something like in the attachment

    The desktop and tablet versions are ok, I don’t want to change it there.

    Thanks a lot!

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    It is not possible to hide the text with custom CSS due to HTML structure. It requires the plugin customization what is not covered by our support.

    Best Regards

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