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Added to cart message not showing up

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    Yet again with another weird issue where no information can be found. Since today, the “Added to cart message” showing above the product once added to the cart does not show up. It shows up when I got to the cart part. For instance, if I add 3 different products, no message on the product page says it’s added. But if I go on the Cart page, all 3 messages show after one another.

    I am using EPO and if I add files, the form does not get updated as well, (you know its updated because the files disappear from the form). Also, I have set it up so when a file is updated a second message appears saying the files are uploaded but now, instead of 2 messages, I get 0.

    Products do get added to the cart, everything is being uploaded, but since there is no message and no form “behavior” the client does not know if it has been added to the cart.

    – I deactivated EPO, still no message, so I know it’s not coming from here.
    – Deactivated ALL plugins except Woodmart Core, Woocommerce & WP Bakery still no message

    I did two things before this issue occurred, I updated to the last version of Woocommerce and finally updated Woodmart Core (did not know it was a thing to do). Since then, this issue happened.

    For now, I redirect users to the cart page once a product is added. It kind of sucks in the experience if a user needs to by more products, but at least he gets redirected and gets to see the message in the cart page.

    if you have any insights…


    Luke Nielsen


    Okay, understood. Please, confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, and switching to the parent/default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable it all back.

    If you have a staging site, please send me access to it so I can make tests there.

    I await your response.

    Kind Regards.




    Staging information on private area. For your information:

    – Stage is on WordPress 6.4.3
    – Woocommerce 8.7
    – Woodmart Core 1.0.42
    – WP Bakery on 7.6
    – Woodmart 7.5.1

    The added to cart message works fine.

    You can update, WordPress, all plugins and core and see the result on the stating site. In any case, I am providing you with access to the live website so you can compare. Please, make no modification to the live website as our timezones are different, (its 01:19 here in France), customers will see the impact.

    Thanks a lot.



    Also, FYI, the Added to cart message do appear in the Cart.

    So, once you add a product to your cart, nothing happens. But if you go to your cart, it shows up. So if you added the product twice, (believing it did not work the first time) you will see 2 messages in the Cart section.

    Also, messages also appear sometimes in the product category or subcategory …



    Luke Nielsen


    Sorry for the delay.

    Updated the theme on the staging site and the message appears – https://prnt.sc/xOPQQO9wC-GZ, https://prnt.sc/ySXMK2Uwqym4

    Please check the stage site and let me know if I missed something.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!

    Kind Regards




    Wordpress version is not up to date on the staging site. Also, on the stagin site it seems like i can not update quantity or delete products from the cart.

    I can not get to update WordPress to go from 6.4.3 to 6.5.3. It says there is an update already going on. Its been like that for the past 10 minutes. No clue why.

    Issue is still present on the main site. I will set back 2024 theme to check it out. You can check it out while deactivating the option to redirect user to cart inside: Woocommerce -> Settings -> Products, when you add a product message is not appearing.


    Luke Nielsen


    On the live site, I see that you use the Layouts for the product page, at the same time the Layout for the product page doesn’t have the “WooCommerce Notices” element which is responsible for showing those messages about added products to the cart. https://prnt.sc/1xpRkugabUPy

    So please define that element, clear the cache and recheck the issue.

    Kind Regards




    Really sorry for this mistake. That goes on the limitations of translation.

    For you its : Notice Woocommerce
    For me its: Avis Woocommerce

    “Avis”, in French translates to “Review”. I thought it was the Product Review element… Should be translated to
    “Message Woocommerce”. I had it removed as I did not want it to appear up there.

    Again, thank you very much for the time. You guys are the best.

    topic can be closed.


    Luke Nielsen


    You are welcome! Feel free to contact us if you need any more information or have any questions.

    Wish you all the best.

    Kind Regards

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