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additional images of variants are not disappering after switch

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    I love to see more variant images in the shop product archive, great feature! But on the single product page I have this bug:

    1. choose a color variant that has more then 1 image (gelb, beige, pink)
    2. switch to another color variant that has more then 1 image (gelb, beige, pink, lindgrün, waldgrün), this is ok (2 images)
    3. switch to another color variant that has only 1 image (al lothers), the 2nd image of the previous selection is still visible, but should not

    Data storage method
    Variations products meta

    AJAX variation threshold



    You need to clear the previous preselected variation then check the variation images for each variation:

    Best Regards.



    Hi, thank you, but I cannot pretend that users choose a color, than click on ‘cancel’ and than choose another color, than click on ‘cancel’ and than choose another color……….
    Users are used, like on other shop systems, to click color per color and to see that color. If they click on orange and see the 2nd yellow image they are confused. We must avoid this.



    Hi, on this link it’s even worse, try to click models from 1 to 11, users will get confused if they see model 3 red hut also from model 4 to 11



    Sorry to say it is the default functionality of the theme. It is not possible to change this behavior.

    Best Regards.



    Hi, you are right, this is the behaviour of YOUR theme. I don’t have this issue with other woocommerce oriented themes. And also shopify and Amazon do not work so. So kindly ask your devs how we could resolve this problem, thank you



    Try to upload images of the same count in each variation and check the issue. for example, try to add 3 images for each variation.

    Best Regards.



    Hi, I have different models and styles and so never the same number of additional images, this is impossible and not useful. If I use your trick we can for sure avoid the bug of showing the wrong image, but it’s still a bug.
    So…till you will adjust this bug, could I gently tell me a snipped code to insert to make the not correct image invisible?
    Do you need access?
    Thank you



    Yes, it is the way it works the script updates the gallery only if it has additional images. If it doesn’t, it keeps previous gallery. Either from the parent product or from the previous variations selected.

    Best Regards.



    Hi, I see that and understand the script. But it showes a WRONG product, because the other variation has another color or style.
    Seems that your theme developers enabled the variant feature without thinking to the end.
    I will probably disable this feature as it is not working properly showing WRONG products and reflect this in my review.


    Artem Temos


    Yes, we understand what you are talking about. This feature is supposed to work when all variations have their own images. And we would be happy to fix this if some variations don’t have images, but, unfortunately, it is not possible. It was already reported a few times and we understand that it may be confusing for customers. We investigated this a lot and since this feature relies on WooCommerce scripts, we can’t fix it. We don’t say that we just don’t want to fix it but we can’t technically.

    Hope for your understanding and would kindly ask you to change your review. Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Arten,

    thank you, this explanation gives a better view to the problem. So you say that the problem could be resolved if EVERY variant has a own image? It’s more time spending, but if I can avoid the bug.
    In general, if a problem relies on WooCoommerce Scripts, would it not possible to insert a code snipped to override that wrong behaviour? So Woodmart could be much better than other themes.



    Artem Temos


    Yes, you need to have additional images uploaded for all variations.

    We don’t say that it is a bug in WooCommerce but more like a limitation. It wasn’t developed for this purpose and doesn’t provide necessary JS events in some places where we need them. So, unfortunately, it is not possible with a custom code in WooCommerce either.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Artem,

    so now I tried to resolve this, but it’s not possible to do how I wanted to do it.
    – I can remove all 2nd images of the variants and it works
    – I can add a 2nd image to all variants (but they are 80% redundant/doubles) and it works

    – (of the total of 11 variants) I can use 9 variants with 1 image and 2 variants with 2 images. This works partly, you can see them correct, but after filter switch (from variant of 2 images to variant with 1 image) it will not work properly and hide the wrong 2nd image.


    Artem Temos

    Yes, that is how we described this. You need to have additional variation images, not featured images only.
    We can’t return the state of the additional images gallery to parent product images when you switch to the variation without additional images (not featured only). And we can’t remove the gallery completely.



    Thank you for fast response. I added to all hut products the 2nd image. But if you check the product page , the user sees 2 products (Mod 3 and Mod 6) with a REAL 2nd image variant, but all other variants (1,2,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,pers) with a 2nd image that is exactly the same. User will wondering about this, this is a negative user experience and wastes website and scrolling space.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos

    Yes, but we didn’t mean to upload a second image the same as the featured one. We meant to have additional images for all variations like for mod 3 and 6. Otherwise, there is no workaround for this.

    Kind Regards



    No, I have a 2nd image only for mod 3 and 6 and I hoped to get this flexibility to use 1 and/or 2 images.
    With the huts it’s not so crucial, but with the bottle holder I have a problem, because I have only a few of them with and without the bottle and there is no new shooting for 1 year. So using Woodmart for this shop for the bottle holder I need to remove permantely the second image where I have them and the users cannot see that feature/usage.


    Artem Temos

    Yes, if you don’t have additional images for all variations, the gallery will not be updated when you switch to the variation that doesn’t have additional images.

    Kind Regards



    hm, not good. No solution for that limitation in the near future?


    Artem Temos

    We investigated it a lot but there is no solution, unfortunately.



    I suppose so. Please understand my frustrating. I have choosen together with my client your theme due to the very clever option of listing variations as single products. Now I have to tell client that this is not so possible as desidered and make a webshop, like all others do, he wanted to be special. You should somewhere list not only the rich features but also the limits, would be fine.


    Artem Temos

    Yes, we understand your frustration. We will mention this limitation in the documentation.

    We would kindly ask you to change your review on ThemeForest. It will help us with future development and product improvement. Thank you for understanding.



    Hi Arten,

    I partly resolved this with another problem (disabling the 2nd image of the mouse over product gallery when using variants). Using a simple css code on the product page.

    So I think that I can resolve this also here in the same way. But I would need to trigger the css code only when clicking on a product variant that has only 1 image.



    Artem Temos


    We are glad that you sorted it out.

    Would you mind changing your review on ThemeForest? Thank you in advance 🙂

    Kind Regards



    Hi Arten, my question was: how to trigger the css code only when clicking on a product variant that has only 1 image with your theme


    Artem Temos


    CSS code doesn’t have any triggers. It is more about JS code. But even with JS, there is no trigger that identifies the event as a variation with 1 image only. That is the main problem.
    If there is such a trigger in WooCommerce, we would already solve the problem.

    Kind Regards



    ok, you can close this ticket as I removed all 2nd images. I need to limit my client to 1 image (or same nr of images) to avoid this problem. hope there will be a solution in the future

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