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Additional tab content and WCFM and HTML Blocks

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  • #232739


    I use WCFM plugin and I need to show the “About” tab information from the vendor’s page at the product’s additional tab.

    I tried to use the shortcode and it works well if I have just a text in the “About” tab (WCFM). But if I use HTML-block shortcode from Woodmart inside “About” tab, then it works inside WCFM “About” tab and doesn’t work at the product’s additional tab when I trying to show it through WCFM shortcode. It returns shortcode just like a text field.

    What’s wrong? Why HTML block works well inside WCFM tab, but it doesn’t work after that at Woodmart additional tab when I trying to show it through shortcode from WCFM? I mean this shortcode: [wcfm_store_info data=”_store_description”]


    Artem Temos


    Please, describe to us your problems in a bit more details. Attach some screenshots and provide us with a list of steps on how to reproduce it on your website.

    Thank you in advance.



    1. I have WCFM plugin and “About” tab on the vendor page. Screen: https://prnt.sc/uy7uk4
    2. I made a new additional tab on the products page. I used Woodmart to make it (Product page->Tabs). Screen: https://prnt.sc/uy7vji
    3. I put there a WCFM-shortcode to show information from “About” tab on the vendor’s page. Screen: https://prnt.sc/uy7x6v
    And it works well. Screen: https://prnt.sc/uy89xf

    After that I trying to use Woodmart HTML blocks inside WCFM “About” tab.
    1. I made new HTML block. Screen: https://prnt.sc/uy80mj
    2. I put HTML block shortcode inside WCFM “About” tab field. Screen: https://prnt.sc/uy829q
    And it works well on the WCFM “About” tab. Screen: https://prnt.sc/uy83ac
    BUT… it doesn’t work on the additional tab on the products page. Screen: https://prnt.sc/uy841j


    Artem Temos

    Please, send us your admin access so we can check it.



    Ok, please


    Artem Temos

    You have added plugin’s shortcode to our theme’s tab. And this shortcode doesn’t execute any shortcodes added inside. Actually, you can place it anywhere on your website and put any shortcode inside it and you will see that it will not work. It means that the problem is not about our theme’s tab but about that plugin’s shortcode.



    Ok, thank you!


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome!

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