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Archive Products element loads on infinite scrolling the global settings

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  • #474038



    I was creating a Woocommerce Archive page using the Layouts functionality that the theme was using. The builder I use is WP-Bakery.

    I have added the Archive Products element that you provide and on the settings menu and under the General/Design I have set different values than the Global. As a product Pagination, I use infinite scrolling on the global settings.

    The problem: If I have set on the General/Design tabs, different values than my Global settings, they only apply on the first products that they load. If I click to load more button, then the Global settings override the ones that are inside the element. As an outcome, I have the first 9 products appearing as the values set on the element and the rest appear based on the Global settings (under Product Archive).

    Things to point out:

    1. WordPress/ Theme/ Plugins are all up to date
    2. Number of plugins are 9: AutoConvert Greeklish Permalinks, Contact Form 7, Duplicate Page,
      Safe SVG, Slider Revolution, WooCommerce, Woodmart Core, WPBakery Page Builder, (MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress: Installed but disabled)
    3. I have disabled the other plugins and left only Woodmart Core, Woocommerce and WPBakery Page Builder. The problem still persists.
    4. You can also test it on your end and let me know if you need access. The site is in a staging environment and not under a live DNS.
    5. I have made a video that demonstrates the problem and pasted on the private section

    Let me know if you need anything else.

    Best Regards

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by supp0rt. Reason: Added some more details


    When you create a layout in Woocommerce builder, the Theme Settings are not applied, you need to configure WP elements in the layouts.

    If you have configured everything, and it does not work, insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards




    When you create a layout in Woocommerce builder, the Theme Settings are not applied, you need to configure WP elements in the layouts.
    A: I have created a layout using the Woocommerce layout builder that the theme provides. Also, if you check the video that I forwarded above, I have set the element inside the layout builder but still, the Theme settings are applied after the load more button. Everything was included in the video, so the answer was a bit confusing. Let me know if I have missed anything from my end.

    Nonetheless, I have provided you admin access so that you can check.
    You will need to add the IP of the server in order to log in.



    Unfortunately, I cannot log in to your site: https://gyazo.com/74ff5eda2da5704035cd66b600e6696b

    Please check and provide.

    Best Regards




    Can I ask if you added the IP address of the server that I provided?

    Let me know if you need anything else.



    Could you disable the blocking for a while? I will pass over to our developers and my IP would not be effective.

    Best Regards



    I have temporarily disabled the security to avoid any IP blocks.
    Let me know if you need anything else.

    Best Regards



    Sorry for the delay.

    Could you please check the site admin access and keep it valid?

    Best Regards




    I have just logged in with the admin credentials that I provided you in the first communication.

    To avoid any more back-and-forth communications around that matter, I have created a new set of credentials.

    Let me know if you need anything else.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by supp0rt.


    Please check the site admin access we cannot log in.

    Best Regards




    I have created a new user from scratch. All credentials are tested and work as intended. Please let me know if there is any problem, and if you still can not login, send me a message about the error. The credentials work. So there must something else.

    Best Regards



    The problem is that is This site can’t be reached

    Please check, disable the blocking.

    Best Regards



    I have disabled any blocking features from our last communication.
    I want to ask the IP of yours, in order to find out if it is blocked from a server level to that I do not have access.

    If you have added my server’s IP in your OS’s hosts file, then I do not have any other security measures on the site, as it is still on staging and not live.

    Best Regards



    We cannot reach your site: https://monosnap.com/file/gkSfkpyOmPnU5fFR0KyvmuLl7FaDSS

    We checked if your site works for other countries and it does not: https://monosnap.com/file/5jDQm3iCb755IjEcB0hT1imM0LPgnx

    Here is a sample of a workable site: https://monosnap.com/file/kIGYoD3mfSlCGQf5k1rK7ywcL48pE8

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your feedback. I would kindly ask if you have added the IP of the server on your hosts file on the operating system that you use (Windows Or Mac).

    Here is a guide on how to make the change
    Windows User: https://support.managed.com/kb/a683/how-to-modify-your-hosts-file-so-you-can-work-on-a-site-that-is-not-yet-live.aspx

    Mac User: https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/edit-mac-hosts-file/

    I have explicitly mentioned that you can not just copy and paste the URL on the address bar, because the DNS records are set on the OLD site.
    The photos that you send me above suggest that you try to access the site without making any changes to the host file.

    This is not a LIVE SITE yet. It is a staging one. You can not access it without making any changes.

    I do not know what else I can suggest at this point. You can also test it on your end and see that the problem I am referring to is happening on any installation and not just mine.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist you. All the above are in good faith to assist you so that you can assist me from your end.

    PS: Based on the screenshots you probably use a Mac computer. So the Mac user Guide should do the trick.



    Yes, we see the problem, please apply this patch to solve that: 476543 Please check this manual for more details: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/automatic-patcher/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hello again,

    Unfortunately, the problem is still there.

    I have re-saved the custom layout page that is applied in the product category, just to be sure. But when I clicked the load more button, the Global Settings of how many products to be displayed and what layout the product grid must have were applied, instead of the ones that were set inside the Element.

    Best Regards



    Please check how we have checked now it works.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Here is a video from the staging site I was working. In our previous communications, I have given you access to an exact clone of this site. The test.domain

    In the private section below, I have also provided your credentials on the staging one.

    In the video, you can see that every patch is applied and that the global settings are set to 3 rows on the archive page but inside the product layout the element columns are set to 2. Still, in the first seconds of the video, you can see that after I hit the load more button, 3 columns appear.

    The above test was on Chrome. On the latest version available. This was also tested on Firefox.

    Both sites are the exact same installations.

    I have deleted the cache, and I have checked from incognito. Both sites run on PHP 8.0.29 and no server, nor page cache is enabled.

    Why is this happening?

    Best Regards

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by supp0rt.


    Please apply patch 477463 You can get more details: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/automatic-patcher/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Thank you for the update on this. It seems to work as expected now.

    After the update, there is another problem that occurs.

    Now if I try to load more products past page 2 it stops loading them. I also get an Ajax error on the console:
    ajax error productsLoadMore.min.js:1:4741

    A link to the problem can be found in the private section

    Just try to click the load more button past page 2 of the products.



    Hello! After this patch, all my categories are duplicated on the site! How to undo this patch?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please apply the patch: 479015 Please check the manual: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/installation-process/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    On my end, the problems I have posted here are both solved.

    Thank you for the assistance.


    You are welcome!

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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