Automatic patcher
WoodMart automatic patcher is an instrument for the quick application of fixes between updates. It helps you keep your website updated and secure much easier. Once someone reports a critical issue in our theme we release a patch immediately before releasing the full update. The patch will contain only files that need to be updated, not the whole theme. When you update the theme to the next version all patches will be overridden since they are already included in the full update.
You find all new patches notifications in your WordPress Dashboard -> WoodMart -> Patcher. All patches are not required and you can apply only those patches that are required for your needs. Some bugs may not appear on your website so you can just ignore those patches.

Patches vs Updates
Why did we decide to add patcher functionality instead of releasing constant updates when we find a bug. The fact is that on our forum almost every day people write about some bugs in our theme. And these bugs can be different in meaning and priority. Some bugs can be very minor and only occur on a few of our customers’ sites. All other customers will never encounter it and they do not need to update the site every day. In this case, it is better for us to release a patch that will be useful only for a few clients. This bug will also be fixed in the next update and the patch will disappear from the list. If the reported bug is very significant and covers a lot of sites, then we are releasing the update.