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Attribute dropdown will be replaces with squared buttons

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  • #118069


    Hi i don’t understand why i can’t check the product option by mouth click



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Please describe the problem in more details step by step so that we could reproduce the problem

    Best Regards



    I cant choose one of them and add it to card

    I have where 3 parameters to choose
    1 – size
    2 – shiping
    3 – collor – there is problem its not work, its images

    Enable swatch i do V in Attribute dropdown will be replaces with squared buttons

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    1. Make sure you have attributes slugs in Latin letters.

    2. Make sure each variation in a variable product has an image: http://prntscr.com/kk870w

    If you have configured everything correctly and it does not work, provide the site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards

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