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  • #412508


    I have uploaded the new version of woodmart, I have a small question please: in the settings I see we can do backups, is it backup of the entire site?
    I use the plugin updraftplus at this time, does it make the same thing? If yes, do I still need the updraftplus plugin if I use your backup option?
    Thank you very much,



    The Theme itself doesn’t have the Backup option or button available. It has the Import / Export / Reset option under the Theme Settings. In this option, the Export options button will export or you can say download all the Theme Settings options that you have currently selected on your Site in the form of a .json file, which you can then use it to Import on any other Site made with Woodmart Theme using the Import option button on the same location.

    But to make the Backup of the whole Site, we would suggest you to use a Plugin which will help you to Backup all of your Site data. The UpdraftPlus plugin that you mentioned is one of the good Plugins that you can make use of.

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your answer. Maybe adding a small description on that backup page would help. There are so many things to learn and use on this theme..!



    Sorry to hear that you had to face inconvenience in this regard.

    We will forward this to our Development Team as a Request on your behalf to have some Description regarding the Backup page. Hopefully, they will soon update it in the upcoming Theme Updates.

    Thanks for contacting us.

    Have a great day !

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