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Banners around the store

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  • #626702



    I’m looking into banners as we are working to advertise more.
    I see we can add banner in the category page by creating a html block and adding that as category description.

    My question is: I’d like to know how do I change location of the banner from the top of the page to other locations.
    I did try to change the location via; Theme Settings > Product Archive > Category description position > Before Product Grid selected to after product grid but it did not work.

    And if you visit this link, you can see I added a banner for test. Its showing on top of the product.
    Please check the attached picture.

    Now I’d like to know how I can put banners in number 2, 3 and 4.
    Please also find login details below just in case and you can change any settings as it is staging site.

    Kind Regards,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Luke Nielsen


    2,4. It’s possible via the page builder – https://prnt.sc/6hnygYhinhgI , https://prnt.sc/Odb4VrbFxVpY

    3. You can define the HTML Block with that banner via Appearance -> Widgets -> Shop page widget Area, or you can place it above the sidebar element – https://prnt.sc/ZQ1DWImtcTaO

    Kind Regards




    Thank you for your reply.
    So for 2,4, I go to layout > product archive layout shop, and edit there, is that correct.
    If you have a look at this page,

    It does show. One problem is that its showing the same in all the pages. I wanted to put different banner in different pages. How will I be able to achieve that please?
    And in the link above, what I did was I searched for “Banner Carousel” and uploaded the picture. Is that the way or is there better way? Like the html block and adding description way. Is there any other way?

    Kind Regards



    So I want to have specific banner for specific category. Please let me know how I can achieve that.


    Luke Nielsen


    1. In order to put different banners on different archive pages, use the conditions from Layouts – https://prnt.sc/VDdm4dnQVjtA


    2. Yep, it’s okay.

    Kind Regards




    The condition applies for the layout.
    Basically I wanted to put specific banner for only specific category, like how the description [html_block id="64247"] works, when i use this, it only shows for the specific category, not even subcategory, only category!
    So this method works for me, just the location of the banner is on top which doesn’t work. So I want the feature of this, but the location of the banner to be where I showed in screenshot.
    That is what I want

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