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Basel Update

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  • #17690


    I have two question,

    1. As i made lots of changes in basel theme, i dont want to update my theme and i only want to update my visual composer. is it ok to use latest version of visual composer with basel 3.3.1?

    2. for the fix of countdown timer issue, i only should change the new ” inc/woocommerce.php ” file with the old one. am i right?



    Eric Watson


    1) Yes, you can safely use the latest version of Visual Composer with Basel 3.3.1.
    Also, we suggest you make a backup of all your files before any update.

    2) If you want to fix the countdown timer, you need to replace the basel_product_sale_countdown () function in basel/inc/woocommerce.php file with the code snippet below.

    if( ! function_exists( 'basel_product_sale_countdown' ) ) {
        function basel_product_sale_countdown() {
            global $post;
            $sale_date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_sale_price_dates_to', true );
            if( ! $sale_date ) return;
            $datetime = new WC_DateTime( "@{$sale_date}", new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
            $datetime->setTimezone( new DateTimeZone( wc_timezone_string() ) );
            echo '<div class="basel-product-countdown basel-timer" data-end-date="' . esc_attr( $datetime->date_i18n('Y/m/d h:m:s') ) . '"></div>';

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    Thanks a lot.
    just one more plugin ,,
    is it safe to update cmb2 version 2.2.4 to 2.2.5? ( in basel version 3.3.1 )

    + here is the new update changes: http://s6.uplod.ir/i/00894/gvayad5xqkvp.jpg


    Eric Watson

    Yes, you can safely use the latest version of CMB2 with Basel 3.3.1.
    Also, we suggest you make a backup of all your files before any update.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio

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