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Basic Light demo imported images not showing

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  • #161436


    Hi there,

    I imported Basic light demo but the images not showing while we have all on the media. Also, dummy content is enable.



    First of all thanks for choosing our Theme, we are glad to be you in WoodMart WordPress family :-).

    Kindly share your site URL and screenshot of that specific section where the images not showing in our site. So I can visit your site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Please check the private content.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Oh btw, If forgot to say, the website is under construction so you might not to be able to see it.



    I saw your screenshot. Actually those images are replaced by the default thumbnail.

    Most images you see on our site are not included in our theme package and will not be imported due to copyright reasons. So you have to use your own images for that purpose.

    Just edit your page with WP-Bakery page builder and then replace all the images with yours.

    Best Regards.

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