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Blog List Page with additional content

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  • #580748


    How do we achieve the rendering of additional content on the blog-list page?
    On the page configured in wordpress that is used for the blogposts there is no way to add content. In the page we added additional text and tempates, but they are not shown on this page. only the posts are rendered.



    The blog is an Archive page and is controlled by WordPress, it doesn’t allow any modifications to be added to it, this is the default functionality. You cannot edit it as well. Please navigate to Theme Settings > Blog > Blog archive and check the settings. Try to add the additional content in the blog sidebar or in the prefooter area.

    Best Regards.



    we have now build a complete own implementation. btw. there is no filter solution from woodmart as a widget.



    The main widget area is applied to the Blog page and single posts as well as on any WordPress pages by default.

    Please follow this guide:

    Best Regards.


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