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Breadcrumbs home name

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  • #576037

    Hi team,

    My website is set in Spanish languaje and I want to change the “Home” text in the breadcrumb but I am not able to.

    I have downloaded your .PO file in Spanish and installed it correctly.

    I changed the title of the Home page to “Inicio”, but it still shows “Home”.

    I have also tried installing Loco Translate and it doesn’t solve de issue.

    Could you help me, please?

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    I forgot to inform you that I am using version WoodMart 8.0 Alpha. On the other hand, could you send me the URL where I can download the last versions.


    Hung Pham

    Hi equipamientolaboral.com,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    + In order to change / translate words. Please make sure you synced the strings first before changing / translating WooCommerce, WoodMart Core plugins and WoodMart theme. You can refer to article https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-translation/

    + You are also need to select the language for the backend and theme settings for admin from the admin user profile, please edit the user’s profile and then select the language for that user it will show the same on the backend.



    Thanks a lot,

    Issue solved. I have set the .PO and .MO file in “website_root/wp-content/languages/themes/” and now works.


    Hung Pham

    Hi equipamientolaboral.com,

    Glad to hear your issue has been resolved. Keep us in mind for future questions and concerns, we’re always here to help!

    If you have a quick minute we always appreciate a 5-star rating on our theme!


    Your feedback is the motivation to improve our work and services.



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