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Bug Product Page

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  • #566059



    I have the bug at the product page. When I change View for images, in description, only for the phone version it changes everywhere (for computer and laptop version also).
    Please see the screenshot to better understand what I mean.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please deactivate all the 3rd party plugins and activate only theme-required plugins on the site and then check the issue. I am sure your issue will be solved. Then Activate the 3rd party plugins one by one and check which plugin is creating the issue for you.

    Otherwise, if the issue still exists then keep the 3rd party plugins deactivated and share the wp logins details so i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Unfortunately during activation /deactivation of 3rd party plugins I wasn’t able to found wich one causes this bug.
    Please find attached my credentials.



    Sorry for the early confusion!

    This option will work on all the devices, The image gallery layout is for all the devices.
    See Screenshot for better understanding:

    Best Regards.

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