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bug wuth enlarge button with small pictures

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  • #116904



    When we have multiple pictures for one product, with one small picture, there is a bug.

    The enlarge icon, is pushed to the bottom along with other content, and there is a huge gap with whitespace. This happens even for the picture of that product with normal dimensions.

    Could you fix this, that it always appears on the left top ?
    Please log in, we have a backup, so feel free to fix this issue.

    best regards



    There is no but. Please navigate to the Theme Settings > Product page > Image and enable auto height in carouser http://prntscr.com/n7g49y

    Best Regards



    thanks, you are right, not a bug. Your explanation fixed it.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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