Home Forums WoodMart support forum Buttons (Compare and Add to Wishlist) do not work correctly!

Buttons (Compare and Add to Wishlist) do not work correctly!

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  • #296593


    Hi guys!
    Buttons (Compare and Add to Wishlist) on your website https://woodmart.xtemos.com/ are not working correctly.
    If I click on the button “Compare” on the product page, the label on the button changes on “Compare products”. But, if I went to another page or updated this one, then the inscription changes (“Compare” instead of “Compare products”) and the person sees that the product has not been added to the list.
    How to fix it? It is necessary that after adding a product the label on the button always shows that the product has already been added.

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    I saw the screenshots you attached.

    For the compare page, You need to create a new page that should contain the shortcode " [woodmart_compare] ". Then you need to set it as the compare page from Theme Settings >> Shop >> Compare.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/RPFbjrw

    For the wishlist page Please create a page and add the code "[woodmart_wishlist]" inside it and publish it. Then set it as the wishlist page from Theme Settings >> Shop >> Wishlist.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/vXsNRWb

    Best Regards



    You did not understand me! This functionality does not work correctly on your!!! site. And accordingly, it does not work correctly for all people!!! When a person clicks on a word “Compare” on product page, the word “Compare” changes to “Compare products”. It becomes clear that this product is in comparison. But if you refresh the page, then the user again sees the word “Compare” instead of “Compare products”. And he thinks that this product has not yet been added to the comparison.



    This is not an issue, this is how by default it works. When you refresh the page the word changes.

    Xtemos Studios



    Ok. Then tell me, please, how to make sure that this name does not change, and that the check mark that appears when the item is selected in the list does not disappear? That is, I want the user to see that this product has ALREADY been ADDED to a comparison or to Wishlist.



    Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings available for that.

    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Xtemos Studios



    It’s strange. The person notes, but does not see what he has noted. It seems to me that this is a bug related to caching.



    Sorry but this is how it works by default.

    For now and I am forwarding this to our development department for considering to add it in the theme, but I am not giving you the guarantee for that because please note that a theme cannot satisfy all requirements as it may cause theme heaviness. Sometimes it may require your own customization. So if the development department finds it fit with the theme environment then surely they will look through it.

    Best Regards.

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